14-Day Change Experiment

change, leadership, Yan Maschke, executive coach, Cleveland Ohio

In the last post, I introduced the concept of "4 elements of change"

  • What we want to CREATE
  • What we want to PRESERVE
  • What we want to ELIMINATE
  • What we want to ACCEPT

Today, I'd like to share with you a "14-Day Change Experiment" that I have created around these 4 elements of change. You can follow these steps below

At first glance, these may look like a lot of steps; but the first 6 steps are upfront planning that you only need to do it once. After that, it can be just minutes per day of practice. There is no need to dwell on things. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. Just see this as a fun experiment.

  1. Pick "1 thing" to CREATE: Write down the 1 thing that what you want to CREATE in your work or life, using this "14-Day Change Experiment" as a jump-start. Please don't worry about whether you picked the most important thing or the right thing. You are supposed to experiment over again, tweak it and do it better the next time!
  2. Pick 1 ACTION: What is the one action you could do differently on a daily basis to create that "1 thing"? Action could be how you choose to THINK (thoughts / "head"), how you choose to FEEL (emotions / "heart"), and how you choose to ACT or SPEAK (language and action / "body");
  3. Design 1 OUTCOME: Write down (not just think in your head) how you would know if you have made desired progress at the end of 14 days. Make it specific and observable (by yourself or by someone else);
  4. Estimate 1 BENEFIT: Think about the value of such progress. How would that progress benefit you and/or others?
  5. Consider what to Preserve / Eliminate / Accept: While creating that "1 thing", is there anything that you want to preserve, or eliminate or accept? You don't need 1 thing in each category, just what may be directly relevant that may come to mind;
  6. Design 1 REWARD: Decide and write down how you would reward yourself if you are able to complete the experiment and achieve progress at the end of 14 days. I challenge you to tap into your creativity and make this fun!
  7. Practice 1 DAY AT A TIME: All you need to do is to be intentional about what you have planned in steps 1-5 above on a daily basis. At the end of each day, reflect on what went well and what you may want to tweak in the next day.
  8. Final REVIEW: Review your progress in 14 days.  Reflect on what you have learned, what worked well, what possible refinement you will take away, what benefits you have noticed, what is the return on investment (ROI) on the time you spent on this effort in the past 14 days.
  9. CELEBRATE: Now it’s time to reward yourself and celebrate your progress. Don’t forget - you can make it fun and playful!

Could this experiment apply to desired changes at a team or organizational level as well? You can play with it!

I will share with you a personal change plan for the next 14 days.

  1. Create: I plan to create "a more compassionate me". In that version of me, I will come across to my 11-year-old daughter as being "less quick to criticize". She is the most fantastic girl I know and I really don't want her to feel that she is not good enough;
  2. Action: I will pause and acknowledge her emotions vs. jumping to "teaching";
  3. Outcome: Fewer upset faces (of my daughter) that I can observe;
  4. Benefit: More harmony and joy in the family;
  5. Preserve / Eliminate / Accept: While I choose to be less critical with my daughter, I will try to eliminate interrupting her when she is talking to me. When I don't do a great job per my plan, I will acknowledge and accept that as a fact and move on to the next day and try it again;
  6. Reward: I will watch one of the dance movies that I have wanted to watch after 14-days of practice. Ohm...I will even dance while watching the movie!

Now, it's your turn to have some fun!

Growth Opportunities: Contact me to explore how to accelerate change and scale up your impact. 


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